Tag Archives: gas industry

The Risks of Electrical Burns in the Oil and Gas Industry
In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of the oil and gas industry, safety is paramount. Yet, amidst the myriad of potential hazards, one risk often goes overlooked: electrical burns. These injuries, caused mainly by arc flashes and other electrical accidents, are a silent but pervasive threat on oil rigs and in refineries across the globe…. Read More »

Living With Chronic Pain After a Louisiana Oilfield Accident
Louisiana’s oil and gas industry is a vital part of the state’s economy, providing employment opportunities and contributing significantly to energy production. Based on this, with the inherent risks involved in oilfield work, accidents can occur, leading to life-altering consequences, such as chronic pain. If you or someone you love was injured in an… Read More »

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Exposure in The Oil and Gas Industry: Risks and Prevention
The oil and gas industry in Louisiana plays a pivotal role in the state’s economy, providing employment and contributing significantly to energy production. With that said, the oil industry comes with inherent risks, including exposure to hazardous substances such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Injured workers in Louisiana’s oil industry have a right to seek… Read More »

Radiation Hazards and Injuries in Offshore Oil Platforms
It’s a widely accepted fact that oil and gas production is one of the most hazardous jobs. Oilfield operations expose workers to the risk of severe injuries and fatal accidents. Unfortunately, workers on offshore oil platforms have another thing to worry about – toxic radiation from radioactive products and waste. If you or someone… Read More »

The Top 5 Deadly Gases in The Oil and Gas Industry
Anyone who has worked in the oil and gas industry knows the dangers associated with the field. Unpredictable weather, complex industrial equipment, and harsh working conditions only add to the overall problems. What most oil and gas workers don’t realize is that certain types of fumes and gases can prove to be dangerous too…. Read More »